Nosara’s new police station is officially open

The inauguration for Nosara’s new police station took place this morning. Nosara’s Mayor Marcos Ávila led the ribbon cutting ceremony along with help from Bombero Hunter Bombard and multiple community members from associations which helped facilitate this project. This is a significant event for the community but especially so for the members of the police force who will be serving in the new location.

The police had outgrown the previous location, which was next to Escuela Serapio López and the Nosara airport. The new police station is just a couple hundred meters away located beside the Kitson Libray and EBAIS on one side and the anticipated future home of the Nosara Bomberos on the other. However, the property size is much bigger, there is abundant parking areas, and the new facility itself is significantly larger.

Members of the police force explained in the old building the living quarters, cooking area, and jail cells and overall space requirements all were insufficient and challenging to operate from. However, the new building has significantly increased office space, meeting and cooking areas, storage facilities, and 2 new jail cells.

This project is the result of a combination of community efforts and government support. Some of the main organizations supporting the construction and relocation are: Asociación de Desarrollo Integral de Nosara (ADIN), La Dirección Nacional de Desarrollo de la Comunidad (DINACO), and the Nosara Security Association.

Take a look at the video for a review of the facility and listen to local police and various attendees share their thoughts.

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